*Having waved Goodbye, the group had walked into the hive, Maple still seemed to have questions about Lulworth and you, but she no longer wanted to ask them.*
Maple: good luck with your metamorphosis Autumn.
Autumn: thanks..
*Maple had given Jade a hug before she disappeared to go find a place to hide, leaving Jade stunned*
Autumn: *takes a deep breath right before her metamorphosis begins… should be like going to sleep for a few days and then getting wings when you wake up right? She thought she saw Maple wave goodlucj through the window, but she disappeared after so she wasn’t sure, you all were in a Hivewing district, both of her parents were watching her*
Jade’s mother: are you ready?
Autumn: scared.. but .. I guess I am.
Jade: don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You’ll get through it no problem.
*Autumn did look a little worried*
Autumn’s father: I wish I could give advice.. but I’m not a silkwing, I’ve never gone through something like this before.
Jade’s mother: when you emerge you’ll have beautiful wings.
*Autumn nods, then the process begins and she forms her cocoon*
Jade: … *when the cocoon is fully formed, then she puts her paw on it and whispers something, maybe hoping her sister would hear but she knew she wouldn’t get a response*