Redi: Wait, it says that it's heading towards the scourge? I'm gonna go look in the future and see what it will do once it reaches the scourge *disappears*
Banisher: our members in this meeting are dropping like flies! it's only you, me, octo-king, diamond emperor, and pixels gov. But anyways, we should do Redi's new idea, tell everyone to calm down and that we have everything under control. Because for now, the scourge is the least of our worries, we need to get everyone to calm down first.
Banisher: Good day everyone, I know that you're all terrified about the previous news, but we have decided you will not need to evacuate, as we have things under control. Bussiness as usual. Just keep electricity usage to a minimum, and don't travel outside the planet you are already on until we can fix this problem.