Shiny baby Umbreon: Hewwo.
Umbreon: Glad you could join us, Shino!
Shino: Glad to be hewe, uncle Umbreon!
Umbreon: How's your mom doing?
Shino: Mommy's doing ok, she just needs some rest, which is why she dropped me off here.
Baby Umbreon: *runs up to Shino* I'm so glad to meet you, cousin!
Shino: *backs away from baby Umbreon*
Umbreon: Baby Umbreon, careful! Your cousin is very shy.
Shino: *whimpers*
Baby Umbreon: Oh, sorry. I forgot how shy you are!
Baby Espeon: Remember, baby Umbreon! Shino's my cousin, too!
Baby Umbreon: I haven't fowgotten, baby Espeon!
Umbreon: Kids, please! Calm down!