While doing research for this, I found out that apparently there's a seperate cult of Djungleskog Bear worshippers and Blåhaj is a trans icon and can't be discontinued because people get mad
1) it's blåhaj
2) vad fan sa du nyss om vår härliga frälsare Blåhaj, din lilla oviktiga skit vars mamma är fetare än månen och vars pappa lämnade för mjölk och blev skjuten för de dumma jävla åsikterna hans barn sprutar?
Blåfiskar are people who follow Blåhaj and believe he is the god of the universe. Lesser gods also exist in the religion, and all have gained their status by devotion to Blåhaj and his teachings. These are not deemed "gods" in their own right, rather, they are rikensherrar, from the Swedish words for "realm lord". Some examples are:
Livlig, Rikensherr of Family
Djungleskog Bear*, Rikensherr of Nature and Beauty
Djungleskog Tiger*, Rikensherr of Life
Djungleskog Orangutang*, Rinkensherr of Forestry
Djungleskog Lion*, Rikensherr of Air and Sound
Gemytlig, Rikensherr of Warmth
Jättesor, Rikensherr of the Earth; * part of the Djungleskog faction, a group which was made to protect forests and grasslands worldwide from human buildings and such