WHAT ABOUT THE DESERT ISLAND GUY WHO HAS NEVER HEARD OF HIM? [2 of 2] Even if our desert-island recluse was blind and deaf (so he could not see or hear God’s creation), Romans 2:14-15 talks about the second C (of the three C’s that prove God’s existence): the light of Conscience. People inherently know it’s wrong to murder. Where did that come from? If evolution were true, there would be no right and wrong, right? Of course, over time people like Hitler can have their conscience become seared; early on though,
everyone knows it is inherently wrong to kill and steal. Where
did that come from? Since many have not seen God’s Ten
Commandments, where did they get those same morals? That’s the moral argument of existence, which logically tells us that universal, moral laws must come from a universal, moral-law giver—God. There has to be a God! So, Creation and Conscience (two C’s) testify that there is a God, and those two truths pull the rug from under skeptics; our island guy has no excuse. The third C is Christ, and this one is for you! We addressed the hypothetical straw-man argument of the desert-island guy, mountaintop person, or the one lost in isle thirty-seven at Walmart, but none of that matters if you are the one reading this. We are all sinners, Christ died to save us
from hell, and all we must do is accept His free gift of salvation
that He supplied when He died on the cross for our sins.
If you hadn’t heard prior, at least you’re accountable
now, and doesn’t that bring it back home?