COMMENT DOWN BELOW IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE DETAILS OF HIM;; Thaumiel; Close eye, though he does tend to go invisible to time to time; Scp 7098-A is a computer program that resembles almost like Reddit. If made a post, your computer will freeze then crash. Then you'll get a series of notifications from your email about your search history, daily routine, and what you play on the computer. Scp-7098-B is a tall, 3 meter humanoid resembling a normal businessman, (not to be confused with slenderman) with large talons for fingers. He has a skull for a head and his eyelids are sideways. Scp 7098-B stalks people from both houses and roadways and alleyways. If Scp 7098-B has been messaged and/or has a post and will start stalking you and messaging you on every social media account you have, there is no way to delete your account on Scp 7078-A.