I clicked Edit Cast at the bottom of the page, then clicked on a text box marked under name, and put the contestant's name there, and repeated until all of them are filled in, repeatedly leaving one blank box in between, then clicked "Make Nicknames Same as Names". When I was done, I searched up the name on google images and clicked on the image that best suits it. When doing this, try to find the squarest image you can, because 500 x 1500 will look weird. Try to look for 500x500, or any number, just try to make the width and height the same. 147x150 would work too. Then click "Open image in new tab". Copy the link and paste it in the text box. You will need to add an extension to it, like png or jpg, or even gif! The ones that work best with extensions are usqp=CAU images, or image links that end in numbers. When it says Data:Images at the start, try to open it again. After 5 times if it's still doing it, try finding another image. Make sure to leave a space in between them! After repeating 23/35/47 times, click "Make All Images BW" or "Make All Images X" to make the death images black and white, or generate an X image after they die. Finally, add the genders to be a boy (M) or girl (F) that best suits your contestant. All of these steps are required. Have fun!