Scp-22366 RED GAME; Euclid; Prevent anyone to observe the object within 3 meters of SCP-22366, and keep inside a 5-5 meter square room; SCP-22366 otherwise known as the RED GAME is an Euclid class object. 22366's experience is of a Red, and Black arcade game with big red text printed in Chinese that translates to, "RED." 22366 will lure anyone who looks at it 3 meters from where it is. Anyone who is lured by 22366 will find themselves putting a dime into a machine. Once the dime is inserted into 22366, the victim will start playing a game that if they lose, they die in a very gruesome way. The objective of the game is to find 8 masks within 2 minutes. They also are getting tracked down by a red man. If killed, or the time goes 0 the victim will have both of their brain, and heart come out through their mouth. The game will either be 2d, or 3d depending on how old the victim is. Only 5 people have survived and another 100,000 died