I'm in high school too, but high intelligence runs in the family
Also, I plan to get multiple scholarships and an IB diploma. Just graduating normally won't get you that much, but people who graduate through the IB program also are the first people whose applications are looked at. This also means that I don't need a private school education to have a good future. And like I said, I can get scholarships to help me get the money, along with a summer/weekend job, where most of my money will go into a savings account and college fund. I still also do things other than social media, and I spend time with my family. Plus, if I ever get a job at any fast-food place, it will be temporary so I can be smart and save up for my future, like any person with one iota of common sense. I don't brag often, because unlike you, I'm humble and won't be like "I'm gonna get a "cool" job and get "tons" of money" because I want to succeed. End of discussion.