I’m trying something different with my team this gen. Normally, I just go with 6 Pokémon, using one or two I planned ahead of time and the rest just Pokémon I like that I picked up along the way with type balancing. This gen, I’m using ten different Pokémon, and rotating them out on my team. The Pokémon on this expanded team are:
Tigris the Floragato-My starter. Just a few levels from evolution, so it’s a soon to be Meowscrada.
Technoblade the Lechonk-Name is a tribute to the greatest of all time. Also about to evolve, although it would be evolved if I hadn’t kept it in the box for so long.
Rush the Paldean Tauros-I. LOVE. TAUROS. And they FINALLY gave it some love.
Remmy the Pawmi-It’s a cute little guy with a decently strong evolution.
Reaper the Greavard-Ghost dog I got in a raid with my friend. Fun.
Soulfang the Sillicobra-Another Tera raid Pokémon. This one has a Flying Tera type. Fun.
Pikablu the Azumarill-A Pokémon I have always liked that has huge power. Neat.
Flama the Oricorio-I LOVE Oricorio, but I’ve never used it until this play through.
Snowball the Cetitan-Easily my favorite Pokémon that was revealed in the trailers. Eat your heart out, Olaf.
Bait the Dunsparce-Dudunsparce is an amazing name.