No doubt, prose and verses will be written about events in Ukraine. Some of them will be translated to English (especially those, that fall in line with the Western media's viewpoint). Quite possibly, you'll come across those works. But, while reading them, remember - Donetsk and Luhansk were there first, by many years
Here's a translation from Russian of a poem by Anna Revyakina. Anna was born and lives in Donetsk. She is a poet, a playwright, an actress. Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics of Donetsk National University. Since 2014, her poetry often addresses the themes of war and the crimes of radical Kiev regime against the people of Donbass
If someone says otherwise - don't believe them!
War only happens in films.
War doesn't kill kids, nor old people;
Nor even men in camouflagе gear.
It’s all staged with cardboard action;
A director's brainchild, a made-up tale.
Because war is absolutely beyond rational,
A total absence of prospects ahead.
Because, if you give it a sliver of hope
Of persuading you that this lead rain is for real...
No, it's better to think that, after the credits roll,
You'll simply get up and walk away on wonky feet.
That, once home, you'll unload on the table
Your wallet, cell phone; a ticket, already dog-eared.
Except that, there's no home, just wound-like craters -
For nigh on eight Donbass years.
For nigh on eight Donbass years.
For nigh on eight Donbass years.