IT ****IN WIMDY; We are in a severe thunderstorm with gusts over 48 mph. Winds: 200° (NE) at 14 knots gusting to 42 knots
Visibility: ¼ miles
Severe Thunderstorm Rain and Fog
Temperature: 140C Dew point: 130; KCLE 222251Z 02014G42KT 1/4SM R14R/1400V4500FT +TSRA BR SCT011BKN025CB OVC060 14/13 A2962 RMK AO2 PK WND 28042/2242 WSHFT 2201RAB01 SLP028 FRQ LTGCGIC ALQDS TS ALQDS MOV NE P0094 T01390133