Aries- I will go look for them. *Begins walking around the garage level*
0 ups, 2y,
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*The heart in his screen goes static, seemingly in a pattern... Short, around 6 times, then long, short again... Oh. Morse Code.*
???- *in morse* Hello?
Aries- so what does your friend look like? Cause I might be able to find them.
0 ups, 2y,
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*Keres's cracked screen flashes a quick depiction of a human person in a slightly oversized blue jean jacket and a black shirt. The person has short, slicked back, black hair, and heavy eyeshadow.*
viktor: my blood/alcohol level is like 70% alcohol, but i don't care
0 ups, 2y,
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Mary: *Walks up to them* Are you okay
0 ups, 2y,
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*The heart in his screen goes static, seemingly in a pattern... Short, then long, long again... Oh. Morse Code.*
???-] .-- .... --- / -.- -. --- .-- ... ..--..
0 ups, 2y,
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Mary: *Looks confused*
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*He thinks for a moment, and a glitched noise that sounds faintly like talking can be heard*
???- S0rRY, Y0U C0ULDN'T UND3RST4Nd M3, C0ULD Y0U?
0 ups, 2y
Mary: Not when you use dashes and dots
0 ups, 2y,
4 replies
What are you doing here?
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???- Ker3s.
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0 ups, 2y,
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Keres- *nods*
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I’m Mako
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Keres- N1ce to m3et y0u, Mako.
0 ups, 2y,
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What were you trying to say earlier?
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Keres- Oh, wh3n you asked me wh4t I'm d0ing her3? I'm w4iting on on3 of my fr13nds, they said th3y would b3 here, but they 4ren't. But d0n't worry... they're k1nd of... 4lways late.
0 ups, 2y,
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I’ll keep ya company if you want
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Keres- ...4lright.
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y,
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Keres: 1 d0nt kn0w.
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Where’s their house?
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Keres: N0t too f4r from h3r3
0 ups, 2y
Let’s start there!
0 ups, 2y,
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*The heart in his screen goes static, seemingly in a pattern... Short, then long, long again... Oh. Morse Code.*
???- *in morse* Waiting on one of my friends. They said they'd be here, but they're not.
0 ups, 2y,
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(He can’t understand Morse) ok… can you talk?
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*He thinks for a moment, and a glitched noise that sounds faintly like talking can be heard*
???- 1M TRY1NG T0.
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Here I’ll help you out *takes out a USB* yea this is the right one… you have a port somewhere?
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???- Y3S? 1 D0N'T KN0W.
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Turn around I’ll look for it
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*He turns around*
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*he searches your head and finds a port then puts the USB in* did it work?
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*It's still glitched, but not as much as it was*
???- Th3re we g0.
0 ups, 2y
Now what’s your name?
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*Keres doesn't smile back, as he can't really do that, but if he could, he would.*
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How long have you been here?
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Keres- Ar0und perh4ps 20 minut3s? I haven't re4lly kept track of t1me.
0 ups, 2y,
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Well don’t wait for too long! *chuckles*
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Keres- But 1'm st4rting to th1nk that they'll neV3r come at this po1nt...
0 ups, 2y,
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You can call them
0 ups, 2y,
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Keres- That’s the th1ng… they n3ver pick up wh3never I d0.