1. If you wanna do digital art, you really can't with a mouse (at least not fluently) I personally recommend the xp-pen Star G640. This was my first, and only drawing tablet. It's decently cheap (as far as tablets go) and is good for starting out. It's just a basic tablet so you can bring it anywhere and plug it into anything. Also currently it seems to be on sale so you should check it out.
2. As far as drawing software goes, I fully recommend FireAlpaca. It's completely free (there's a premium version on steam, but it doesn't really change much, just adds a dark mode and auto updates) with no ads and works great. It's perfect for starting out, but is also great for more advanced artwork.
(yes I know the website looks kinda sketchy [see what I did there?] but that's mainly because the language is translated from Japanese - speaking of I should note that it's all translated from japan so some of the text might read a tad weird but it wont effect much. Still really like it.)