CHRISTIANS TRUST THE BIBLE 100%? [1 of 4] Knowing the Bible is exactly the way God wanted it laid it out for us, Christians can fully trust it as the only book that has all God’s truth and instructions, the correct history, and a completely reliable look into our future. Contrary to that solid foundation for life—which involves a relationship with Jesus—cults and religions just prescribe rituals, donations, mantras, sacrifices, worship of malevolent entities (demons), and other works you must perform because of empty threats and promises. And those teachings from man don’t reveal ultimate knowledge and truth because only the
Bible can do that. In fact, much of man’s teaching involves lies. Of course, the Bible has skeptics who claim we can’t trust that Moses around 1445 BC wrote about the Garden of Eden in Genesis. But that’s the importance of the Bible’s genealogies, like the three men in Genesis 10 who together live through the first 2157 years of mankind. How could that be? Well, we know people lived longer life spans during the first couple centuries, and that’s not just spiritualizing the biblical text: We even have proof scientifically, as we detail with our study called In the Days of Noah, which is part of
our Creation Series. So, much of Scripture’s history came from only
three guys who knew each other for a long, long time; it wasn’t
just some breakout session during a weekend conference that
hopefully archived the information accurately.