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Idk why, but I thought of this roleplay, and I want to pretty much use this oc.

Idk why, but I thought of this roleplay, and I want to pretty much use this oc. | You were about to play a video game on your computer, when all of a sudden, your computer screen started glitching, and a loud ringing could be heard, due to the sound, you seemed to have blacked out. Now, you have woken up, in a place of emptiness, zero’s and ones could be seen floating around…; You glance around, wondering where you are, when you see them (the picture) a couple of feet away from you, their back facing you. WDYD? | image tagged in no erp,no romance,no car or joke ocs,no op ocs | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,140 views 10 upvotes Made by _Spaceman_Leif_ 2 years ago in Role_Play
5 ups, 2y
[ Here, you/your oc needs to be careful, since you don’t know where you are, ( your in your computer somehow but shhhh your oc doesn’t know that yet ) and you could be somewhere dangerous. You can talk to the person and seek help, but be careful… you do not know what lurks behind the screen……… ]
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soul: never buying a computer from ohio again 💀
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??: “0h10? That$ r3all¥ wh3r3 y0u b0ughT y0ur C0mput3r?”
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Soul: yeah
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??: “whaT an 0dD plac3 t0 bu¥ a C0mput3r-“
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Soul: i know, yet i went all the way from Australia to but a computer from ohio- so uhh- where am i? *he looks around*
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??: “w3ll, y0ur 1n whaT 1 l1k3 t0 caLL, ‘Th3 C0mput3r Vo1d’ “
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“Oh wow”
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??: “mHm..”
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9 replies
Hey! Who the f**k are you l?!
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Lucy: “N1c3 t0 m33t y0u, ‘Mak0’..”
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How long have you been here?
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Lucy: “…… a y3aR 1 b3l13v3..”
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Lucy: “ MhMM”
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Guess I’m stuck here…
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Lucy: “pr0babL¥, pr0bAbL¥ n0t..”
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How do you think we can get out?
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Lucy: “hM, 1’m n0t $ur3..”
1 up, 2y
Come on… I gotta get to the real world quick!
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??: “ ! “

< The figure quickly turned to face you, You could tell they were confused, frightened and surprised. >

??: “ 1 c0uLd $aY th3 $Am3 th1nG t0 y0U! “
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Where am I?!
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??: “CaLM d0wn! Y0uR ju$t 1n whAT 1 l1k3 t0 caLL th3 C0mput3r Aby$s! j33z, v1s1t0r$ th3s3 daY$..”
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how do I get out of here?
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??: “..y0ur a$k1ng m3 thAT a$ 1f 1 kn0W 3v3ryth1ng.”
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I’m mean… I’m trapped in a computer apparently and your the one who was here before me so…
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??: “L00k, ju$t cau$3 1 l1v3 h3r3 d03$nt m3an 1 kn0W 3v3ryth1ng an0uTnth1s plac3.”
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You have a name?
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??: “. . . . .y3s.. 1’m…. 1’m Lucy..”
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I’m Mako
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Lucy: “0f c0ur$3 1 aM c0m1ng, 1’ll b3 r1ghT b3h1nd y0u.”
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Good cus we’re both getting out of here *walks in*
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Lucy: “hm, 0ka¥.”

< Lucy would walk in behind you. As you walked around, the setting of a theater (and a pub perhaps?) started to form. Characters from different video games would walk around, some would talk, some would sip some drinks, others would sing songs, and many would laugh. >
1 up, 2y,
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Not what I expected…
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Lucy: “y3ah, n0 0n3 3v3r 3xp3ct$ th1$.”
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If we get into a bar fight your gonna help right?
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Lucy: “0f c0ur$3 1 aM. 1’m n0t ju$t g0nna l3t s0m3 f1ct10naL charact3r$ f1ghT s0m30n3.”
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Cool *sits down in a table*
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< Lucy would sit down as well, watching some video game characters perform on a tiny stage, singing songs, dancing, laughing.. Lucy would smile a bit, but it seemed like a sort of sad smile. >
1 up, 2y
You good?
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Lucy: “y3$, 0f c0ur$3, ju$t, watch1nG th3m p3rf0rm, 1t$ amu$1ng anD fUN.”
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What happened to your voice? Why is it so glitchy?
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Lucy: “…1 caNN0t an$w3r thAt..”
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Lucy: “mHm, ma¥b3 1’ll t3LL y0U lat3r 0n, l1k3 wh3n 1 tru$T y0u fuLL¥.”
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Lucy: “g00d. N0w k33p qu13t, th3y w0nt n0t1c3 y0u 1f y0ur qu13t, buT w3 hav3 t0 wa1t f0r s0m30n3.”
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Why? The reason we came was to talk to one of these people
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Lucy: “y3ah, bUT 1’m d01nG th3 taLK1ng, s1nc3 n0 0n3 ha$ 3v3r s33n 0r 3v3n m33t y0u b3f0r3, $0 th3r3$ n0 chanc3 th3y’LL taLK t0 y0u, aND th3r3 1$ a hug3 p0$$1b1l1t¥ thAt th3y m1ght tr¥ t0 harM y0u,”
1 up, 2y
Ugh… fine. What do we do in the meantime?
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Lucy: “waTch th3 sh0w, g3t a dr1nk, d0 anY 0f th0$3, ju$t d0nT draW t0 muCH at3nt10n t0 u$.”
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*mutters* the one thing I can’t do is the one thing I’m best at…
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Lucy: *mutters* “1f y0u m3an tuRN1nG 1nt0 a l10n caT th1nG th3n n0, y0u can’T d0 thAT h3r3.”
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I won’t do that it’s fine
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Lucy: “g00d.”

< Some video game characters would walk around, most of them eyeing you and Lucy, but most of them just shrugged and walked off to get more drinks. >
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This is boring
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Lucy: “w3LL 1’m s0rr¥ thAT th1$ plac3 1$ b0r1ng f0r y0u, whAt d0 y0u waNT m3 t0 d0, mak3 3v3ry0n3 c0m3 0v3r h3r3 b¥ ¥3LL1ng ‘H3y l00k, th3r3$ aN 0ut$1d3r h3r3!’ “
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Shh! Fine I’ll shut up!
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Lucy: “g00d!”
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*annoyed sigh*
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Lucy: “w3ll 1 d0nT kn0W, 0ka¥?!”
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Are there others here?
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Lucy: “u$uaLL¥ th3r3 ar3 v1d30 gam3 charact3r$ h3r3.. s0m3 ar3 n1c3, and s0m3 ar3…. w3ll, th3 0pp0s1t3.”
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Let’s ask them for help then!
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Lucy: “w0aH w0aH w0aH, th3y d0nT 3v3n kn0W y0u, h3ck, th3y m1ght 3v3n tr¥ t0 huRT y0u, s1nc3 ¥0uR a c0mpl3t3 strang3r t0 th3m!”
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*his hand lights on fire then he turns into a lion-cat demon with wings* I can take ‘em
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Lucy: “hm, 1f y0u sA¥ s0.. F0ll0w m3 th3n.”
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*turns back to normal and follows you*
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< Lucy would walk away, stopping every 30 seconds to make sure you didn’t get lost. As a couple minutes went by, Lucy stopped in front of what looked like a door. It was labeled “Gaming door. Enter with caution!” Lucy would look at you then open the door a little>

Lucy: “g0 0n 1n..”
1 up, 2y
Your not coming?
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Lucy: *sigh* “f1n3, d0 y0u wAnT a $0da th3n?”
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Lucy: “0ka¥. 1’ll g3t th3 dr1nk$, d0nT g9 an¥wh3r3,”

< Lucy would get up then would walk over to the ‘Pub’ area, to get the drinks. As you looked around, some video game characters that were either sitting at tables or walking around would sometimes glance at you. >
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*nods at them* sup
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< Some of them nodded at you, then went back to sipping their drinks and laughing. Others continued to glance at you, then would whisper to each other, something about ‘a new game character’? They must have thought you were a new game character that they had never heard of or had never seen before. >
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*hears them* that’s good cover I guess…
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< A glass of soda seemed to appear in front of you. It seemed to be either Dr. pepper or Cola, but whatever. Lucy was still at the pub thing, waiting for their drink.>
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Weird *picks it up and looks at Lucy then looks back at the drink*
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< Lucy glanced at you and shrugged. >
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*mouths* was this you?
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Lucy: “h3y caLm d0wn, 1 w0uLdnT actuaLL¥ y3LL thAt 0ut.”
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I know…
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Lucy: “g00d, 1 wa$ ju$t try1nG t0 maK3 sur3 y0u w3r3nT angRY aT m3 0r s0m3th1ng.”
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*smiles and rolls his eyes*
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< Lucy smiled a bit then slightly punched your arm >

Lucy: “hAh, ch1ll, y0u’LL g3t 0uttA h3r3 s00n.”
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Can we at least get something to drink?
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Lucy: “sur3, whAt d0 y0u waNT”
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I don’t care… just not alcohol
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Lucy: “0ka¥ th3n, waT3r 1t 1$.”
1 up, 2y
Not water either!
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Lucy: *mouths* “perhaps.”

< They smiled a bit then looked back at the people getting Lucy’s drink ready. >
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*smiles* guess it’s safe then… *drinks it*
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< You don’t feel that thirsty anymore. Your health goes up by 5% >
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*mutters* who said that? Oh right, video game
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< Smeone wearing a cloak seemed to catch your eye. They walked over to where Lucy was, and started talking to them. They started chatting as if they were old pals, but you couldn’t see the figures face, since the cloak was covering it. >
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< The figure seemed to notice you watching them and would look at you, as if they were staring (or perhaps glaring?) at you. Lucy looked at you then looked back at the figure, laughing a bit. >
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*nods at them*
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Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
You were about to play a video game on your computer, when all of a sudden, your computer screen started glitching, and a loud ringing could be heard, due to the sound, you seemed to have blacked out. Now, you have woken up, in a place of emptiness, zero’s and ones could be seen floating around…; You glance around, wondering where you are, when you see them (the picture) a couple of feet away from you, their back facing you. WDYD?