So you see I was in the jungle when all of the sudden there was a pack of jaguars. They passed me the Pythagoras Theorem and told me to use it to solve for the length of the hypotnuese of a triangle. I then did the math and they left me alone. Alright so little Timmy, now do you see why you need math in the real world?
Reminds me of that one time I was kidnapped, tied to a chair, and had a gun pointed at my head. The kidnapper had me solve 3x2(9yz)4a and explain every step of the problem out loud.
Throwback to that one time that I was trapped in a warehouse full of timed bombs. The door and windows were covered and locked. Then a voice came over a speaker and had me solve ((9*square root of 67)+89(5x-91)) within the amount of time left on the bombs.
That makes me remember when I went to a birthday party and instead of one candle per year, they used letter candles that wrote the equation 2x + 5 = 36 and to solve for their age.
That reminds me of the time I was building a birdhouse and needed to find the volume of the birdhouse and the volume of a bird to see how many birds can live in there.