[2 of 4] The Hindu technique of mediation is something Jesus warned us about. He told us not to
pray like the pagans, who babble on and on. The Greek root is almost a direct translation from
barbar, referring to the barbarians who lived in foreign lands. The Greeks called them barbarians
because when the Greeks heard them speak, their foreign language sounded like, “bar, bar, bar ”; So, Jesus is telling us not to be like the pagans, who sound like barbarians when they pray to their idols. And meditation’s mantras (chanting words or phrases) are just repetitious babbling. Jesus said not to do it, because it’s not the same as biblical prayer. When Christians pray,
obviously it is not about the Hindu practice of focusing our mind on
repetition of meaningless words or phrases. We pray directly to
God, speaking to Him using our mind and intelligible
words—we have a conversation—telling
Him how much we love and appreciate Him,
as well asrequesting help.