Alternate timeline:
Redi came down to Eggyheads planet to destroy Eggyhead, but something was off. Eggyhead was waiting for him, not running or hiding. He decided to take advantage of this and imagined Eggyhead cracking and falling into a frying pan, but it didn't work. Redi kept imagining it but nothing happened. "Don't try it." Eggyhead said, "That weapon was wielded by a god, I'm one too." Redi quickly realized that trying to destroy Eggyhead with his thoughts was pointless, so he some of his other magic. After a honestly short battle, Eggyhead defeated Redi and took his staff away. Eggyhead decided that the only way to stop the same thing from happening again, Eggyhead destroyed Redis staff but it took a lot of his power to do so, resulting in Eggyheads eventual demise. Now, there was nobody to protect or attack the multiverse, leaving everything in peace.