* act
* you close out of the act menu
* fight
* are you sure?
* fight
* are you sure???
* fight
* are-
* you tell the narrator to shut up
* fight
* . . . .
* attack
* fight
* why?
* fight
* why??
* fight
* but why-
* you tape the narrators mouth shut
* [why must you control them for your own happiness, Player?]
* act
* [?]
* you tell the narrator to shut up or else
* [...]
* fight
* attack
* =)
* act
* Player will not let you do that
* a c t
* Player stopped you
* fight?
* you tell Player to stop
* . . .
* mercy
* fight
* attack
* . . . ?
* . . .
* =|
* =)
* act
* you tell Yoine that they aren't in control
* fight
* n o
* fight
* n o . . .
* you overwrite Charas wishes, you attack
* =)
* =|
* act
* you ask what they mean
* Chara calls you stupid
* you just delete them from existence
* you now have full control of their body, how nice...
* fight
* attack