The therizinosaurus is blind, but the scorpius Rex has ADHD. I say the theri because it was good at fending of giga
[deleted] M
2 ups, 2y
Scorpios Rex has poison spines that cause delusions, fever, and eventually death
Therizinosaurus has 2-foot-long claws that can impale predators.
Scorpios would win, I guess
In my opinion the Theri wins because the Scorpios seems to like to leap on its prey but while it leaps it leaves its underbelly exposed, which gives the Theri room to stab it in the gut.
Scorpios is not nearly that big. It's smaller than the Indoraptor in the cannon, despite being taller, and Theri is one of the largest the largest theropods in the franchise
Theri has huge range advantage and Scorpios isn't tall enough to reach the neck. The scorpios' poison will do damage but the paralysis will take time to knock Theri out due to its size. Even if the poison killed Theri, Scoprios would die before the poison takes effect. Theri all the way