10 reasons why I make my memes at school when I get them.
1- The teachers hardly use their GoGuardian.
2-most of our work is on a computer.
3-most of my piers are not snitches.
4- if I get caught by a teacher they won't make a big deal about it.
5- At the end of classes we have free time. (in middle school it is a blessing)
6- I share some of the memes with the teacher (not this one:
imgflip.com/i/729sub )
7- they don't care if it isn't school appropriate or related.
8- I come up with good meme ideas with all the idiots around my school
9- my brain smacks me with better ideas at school
9B- I am not supporting school I personally think of it as a federal prison for kids who did nothing.
10- most of the snitches are drug addicts so I don't really have to worry about their memory.