Got Wood
Unreal Like I said it's been years
didn't know about the lumber yard either
Danny Noonan: I haven't even told my father I'm not gonna get that scholarship. I'm gonna end up working in a lumberyard the rest of my life.
Ty Webb: What's wrong with lumber? I own two lumberyards.
Danny Noonan: I notice you don't spend too much time there.
Ty Webb: I'm not quite sure where they are.
Funny I stayed in the same Room
Just after Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
on a Bowen Island retreat
Met a guy said he was the guitarist
or Bass player of Black Crows
The Resort was closed
Moonbeam knew the owners
I don't keep score either when I
Just get the Ball in the Hole
I worked at Halezmere Golf
Put it this way
I rather not say all my experiences
Make Bourdain,s Kitchen Confidential
look tame.
Always Professional during Hours
It's the after hours
Back then