You hear the fact:; Coca-Cola was green. Video games can cause addiction. Saliva is basically filtered blood. Approximately, 20% of the children reported hearing voices. Most garbage juice is drinkable. Butterflies eat corpse. When you start shivering for no reason, that means a ghost is through you. Bad weather makes the day longer. The Asian Giant Hornet's sting is so powerful, it can simply dissolve human flesh. Your voice will stay high if you get castrated before puberty (because castration causes less testosterone) (And this is how Castrato singers got that kind of voice); Brain-eating amoebas exist in water, and they can get into your body when contaminated goes up to your nose; Pearl Jam's song "Jeremy" was inspired by a high school student named Jeremy Wade Delle, who shot himself in front of his second-period English class. Male chicks can't be raised for slaughter or eggs, so they are often shredded alive, or suffocated. There is no cure for colour blindness. Even today, there are still landmines in Bosnia & Herzegovina. There is a disease that can make you cry blood. You can die from laughter. Wasps can remember your face (and Crows too). Your phone has more bacteria than the toilet at your home, or a public toilet. You can die from vomiting too much (plus, excessive vomiting can make you skinny too). There is a island near Mexico City where it has creepy old dolls. Most Trollge incidents are based on true stories. There is 1% chance that you can survive from rabies. Tumors can grow hair, eyes and teeth. You can die from drinking too much water. Your collar bone is prone to breaking easily. A serial killer named Leonarda Cianciulli turned her victims into soap and teacakes. Korn's song "Daddy" is based on what happened to Jonathan Davis when he was young...... HE WAS RAPED BY A BABYSITTER! There's a virus that can turn you into a tree. Chainsaws were originally invented for........ Childbirth, and not cutting woods. As gas pollution (mostly from motor vehicles) causes climate change, it can lead to extinction of many species, including humans. (And you know why the whole world wants to go electric); The air you breath in is...... 15% HUMAN SKIN! North Korea is effectively and basically a giant prison cell, and it's illegal to escape the country (And attempting to escape from the country can get you executed too). A Serial Killer named Nikko Jenkins killed many people just for looking at him. With how Vladimir Putin is acting, HE COULD BE ANOTHER HITLER!