Life Chapter One??? Elemental Auras; One day in a world of darkness, a light was born. That light was my day of birth. Nothing happened during my first 5-10 years of existence... During my eleventh year, however, I started to feel things that I didn't think could happen... (NOT PUBERTY!!! YES THAT BUT NOT!) I started to feel connections to the elements... I started to feel this when I was outside and I picked up a stick for the 700th time and used it as a sword for the 1500th... I felt energy going to and from the stick... It was an gooey feeling... I looked back at the stick and there was nothing on it... no sap, no bugs, no leftover rain water, nothing wet or slimy... I picked up another stick, smaller, and I felt the exact same thing, but weaker... I stopped going through my imagination and started to "Experiment" with different things in my yard... I picked up a rock, it felt cold on first contact, but then got warmer and I felt a dusty aura start to radiate from it. I then picked up an oak tree leaf and I felt the leave's cells moving around. I picked up a blade of grass and felt the recent footsteps from the previous insects that were on it... I couldn't know which bugs, yet I knew something was on it recently... Fairly recently... I looked around and found an ant hill about 6 inches away... It was hidden, but I still found it... I then saw the wings and f***in' ran for my life... I HATE FLYING BUGS AND SPIDERS!!! TERRIFIED!!! BUT! it was probably the Queen. And I don't think I'm ready for a royal visit... yet...
(End Life Chapter)