Lorentius Wolf-Hide; Is here for Spooky Month! If you see him appear, be ready with anything Silver! He is an Eternal Werewolf (He has no human form anymore). Lore for him below; Lorentius was born on a norse planet (not earth or Sovngarde or Asgard). The Planet is unknown to anyone not born there.
Lorentius was a hunter and was given a gift from The Spirit Of The Hunt "Krinshaan." This gift is Lycanthropy. The ability to turn in and out of the beastly form known as a Werewolf.
Lorentius used his werewolf form whenever he had to. Such as taking down Mammoths, Giants, and WereBane Warriors. The WereBane Warriors is a collaboration of Werewolf Hunters.
One day Lorentius found a Ring bearing a wolf head on it. It was The Ring Of Krinshaan. A ring that gave werewolves immense power. He took the ring and wore it for many moons. All of which he had become stronger and stronger... Until... one day, he transformed and couldn't turn back. Now he is forever a werewolf. More Powerful than any other.