This is about a dream- only a dream. I hope that I can remember the dream that inspired me to write this, but I do tend to forget about things that aren't rooted in reality.😇👍
There is no pain when thinking of my love. Again, and again, I dream of him. Awake I search to follow him through clouds. And finding him, I find he is the maker of my dreams & then the dream itself. How can this be? Miraculous intervention? Maybe heaven blessed me. Perhaps he is my gift of joy. It's such a pain relieving joy to think & dream of him- with me Everything about him is so perfect in my sight. And now I see why everything in life just had to be. It had to be the way it was, for me- to see him perfect, as I do. He is deserving & I see him with the kindest loving eyes. Then in my quiet solitude, my heart beats out his name, reminding me of him & I do smile. 🥰