Actually I should add an in case of emergency if anybody accidentally summons one of the aforementioned creatures
In case of Emergency:
Danger level: 3/10
Rush only passes throw the room once then leaves, he doesn't go backwards unless there is no other doors in the room to go through. Once he leaves he disappears and you are safe to go
Danger level: 4/10
Depth will go into a room, ravage it, then leave. If you were in a closet you need to leave and immediately switch to another one as depth will destroy the previous closet you were in. He will then go back and disappear.
Danger level: 6/10
Ambush works like Danger but he goes through the room 2-6 times. Just do what you do when Danger comes, when Ambush leaves the room get out of the closet and get back in. Ambush, although faster than Rush and Depth, is slower than Danger.