*Kishi sighs*
Kishi: you are such an idiot... you are all idiots..? never mind.
*Kishi grips his pendant and whispers an incantation, splitting into two. Gala and Navy. Navy is blunt and brutally honest when he chooses to speak. Gala is more chatty and protective. You can tell the difference through the pendant, Navy's featuring a dagger and is a deep blue, while Gala's is pink and has a star. Gala proceeds to pick up 4*
Navy: ...Purple deserved it.
Gala: Don't be rude, Navy. Though I-
Navy: We.
Gala: we can't just keep referring to you guys as 1, 2, 3, and 4. You got any nicknames you want m-
Navy: Us.
Gala: *slightly annoyed* us to refer to you guys as?