Ok, so here is the thing. Humans all have their own beliefs. They cannot tell you what or what not to do. That is none of their business. However, it is there job, as parents, to help their children see the right path. They are concerned for you, as you are doing the opposite of the religion they grew up with. All they truly want is to see you doing the right thing. In their eyes, the right thing is making you a straight, christian person.
If you have already said clearly that you want to be queer, and want to be athiest, then THEY are wrong to tell you to stop doing what you feel most happy doing. That stupid priest may be straight, but if it's VERY CLEAR that you DON'T WANT do be a straight person, then he better stay the f**k away from your business. At this point, you have already chosen your path, and it's up to god to help you find your way. (Or, sense you are athiest, let me re-phrase that so you understand.) It's up to YOU to decide what you do in life. You may not believe in God, but that is okay. At the very least, believe in yourself. Trust yourself, but also trust your friends, to help you find the right path. Trust in love, trust in happiness, and if that means learning how to f**king punch your stupid parents in the face, do it.
Um, may want to hold back on the punch thing until you make it clear you don't wanna listen to them.
I can help you fight back and find happiness if you want, EVEN THOUGH I'm a fricking christian straight girl, I'm going to help you. You know why? Because in the end, everyone is a person deserving of respect and love, no matter what they've done. Espesically if they have asked for help (like you have)
Sorry that was very long.