Well then seeing that I left the Republican Party and joined the Constitution Party several years ago then I am the other big C conservative. I am a strong supporter of the U.S. Constitution and the government that the founding fathers gave us. The U.S. government today is NOT the government that the founders gave us. It is far too big and far too authoritarian.
I find it odd that the left all of the sudden decided that Nationalism is the worst thing in the world. It's like when the found our that Nazi is an acronym for National Socialist German Workers Party they decided that the "National" part of that was the problem and not the "Socialist" part.
However, the real reason nationalism is being made evil by the left is because they are globalists. They want a one world government.
So the left added the other thing they hate, Christianity, to nationalism.
I agree with you about appreciating the nation you live in or were born in. I think you should be proud of the UK. I'm proud to be an American. I've always had respect for the UK. Not some of their politicians but the nation as a whole. But then I have very little respect for any politician. I consider then corrupt until proven somewhat decent. My wife's mother was born in Mexico. She was proud to be a Mexican. She didn't want to be called a Hispanic or Latina. She wanted to be called a Mexican. And so she should. It made me happy she was proud to be a Mexican.
The only people who don't have anything to be proud of in the country they are from are North Koreans and the Chinese. Yes, there's a lot of great history there but their current governments make life unbearable. There's nothing to be proud of being a slave to the government.
Unfortunately that is the path the left is forcing the world on is directly towards the same kind of government as North Korea and China.
Well I'm just rambling now. I'll shut up.