's things on the sun...I hear you're keeping those lights on! Yeah...that hurt! Looking for more of that clover field huh? You sure know how to pick them Peter. They're called emotions....but we're not supposed to have them Peter....We're bees! Of course you asked to sheathe the swords....unfortunately Ares can't come back...But I don't know how ot make curds and whey and find a way to sheathe my sword...Ares....You've been sheathing my sword and curdling my milk forever! Done! Now get off my rock Ares! No more war! But that's an act of war! Dude! Cut that crap, lick that knife, and eat the pieces.....oh....chocolate milk! My favorite....See ho w he rick rolls as a sore loser! Sheathe those swords! You're a grumpy old troll Peter! Ares......Peter's shadow.....Look kids the ground hog saw it's shadow again! Shall we let that shadow of the day in.....Nah! We like spoiled milk! Chocolate milk is ever better! Here comes Santa Claus kids! By the way use crying over spilled milk Peter! Out of my house buddy! You don't respect Mother's milk! Butt....butt.....Careful kids....He'll knock your lights out! Indeed! Gound control prepare for impact! What do you know about marshmallows kids! Burn him....cut him.....believe me...theres enough royal jelly in the skies to survive for a leave me alone! You wanna high roll Peter! Nah......Tired. Good night kids.....they're called emotions.....Must have been that knock out on Planet Earth! Dude this guy builds planets! With his bear hands....Build a better bear trap! I tought it was Mighty Mouse....The underdog.....See kids this is why you don't let Rudolph play any reindeer games! Sorry Santa, Satan, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Doner, and Blitzen.....What's that sound? Lights out Peter. I thought so! Have a nice day!
By the way Ares......Remember, it's my house my rules.....butt....butt! See how the tend to rick roll during times of war and then then say I'm the ungateful one! Butt Butt....I like cow milk....I heard Ares! Smell that BS yet! But we're brothers! Starting war on my turf again Ares! Have a nice day sir!