What's importance surrounding corn across history. Tell me now what's making corn so important across history as I want answers from this subreddit. We can go all the way to 5500 BC until now since I believe that's time range Of corn being planted at world. I know lots about corn, like about how popcorn differs from normal corn & kettle corn being popular at several region of america. This shows my corn finesse. But I don't know what's importance Of corn throughout history, sadly. So can u guys & girls tell me about that because I don't want to be uneducated about this longer. So corn is amazing. Ok. About me. I'm a female who admires corn very lot. Admire learning about this current subreddit since it is cool. Alright. Yep. Please give great answers to me. Eat corn if u don't know what to eat for lunch or dinner tomorrow.