i don't think i said conservatives as a group were stupid. i have said that many people have a habit of not thinking deeply about things that challenge their viewpoint. almost everyone is too confident in their opinions and too ready to make assumptions about those they're chatting with.
i've listened to a lot of conservatives, some of whom i admire and respect. many of my friends from college are conservatives (and many more are liberals), and some like me are eclectically minded. i listen until the other person's position is clear. if they only give me the same old baloney, i can't listen to that very long.
so i don't see that we have a situation where two sides don't understand each other very well. it is a situation where there are basic philosophical disagreements, exacerbated not by a lack of information, but by an abundance of misinformation. for reasons of greed and power lust, there is active effort to maintain the ignorance and the polarization.