I openly invite anyone from politics stream, christianity stream, conservatives stream, or any other political stream that exists on imgflip to discuss the following topic; Let's play a new game: "This is how you politic."
This is episode 1, Episode 2 will be next week.
Here are the rules:; 1) You may answer any question you like.
2) Do *not* reply to someone who submits an answer. This is where both sides can be heard. Any replies to any answer will be instantly deleted - unless a question of clarification is asked in honesty to expand communication.
3) Answers will not be deleted. If you post racist, toxic shit, then you put yourself on display.
4) This is an olivebranch for both sides to take baby steps to start learning to talk again. I chose these topics as largely unexplored. We're free to think for ourselves here without heavy accusations of media bias.
5) Let's have fun and hear other perspectives.); The argument on the table is this:; Artificial intelligence - Does it live?
Cloning - Life at conception? Question for the Left:; Question for the Right:; With regard to cloning, do you stand by your views that all life is sacred? That clones, if created (by God's Will*), are just as sacred? If you go by a secular view of what is defined as "Alive" per physiological definitions of "life" Where do you draw a line (if any) for Artificial Intelligence to be alive?