Dr Simone Gold
WOW: The British Columbian government wants to require mothers who are denied an exemption to the COVID jab to pay back up to $50,000 in maternity benefits.
War is being waged on the unvaccinated.
Was is being waged on mothers.
Like I said I live in the Belly of the beast
What do you THINK Obamacare copied
to gain control over Doctors in Hospitals?
Up till BC Health Authority came in 2003
We where the only province that had a
percentage taken off our paychecks.
I think mine was around $100 a month
To wait 3 years to have a operation that's
none life threatening.
Over a year for MRI is normal.
I will say this
It did work before 2003.
But we all know now why it's set up this way
To profit off making Opioid addicts
The Doctors here know this but moneys
too good to care.
It's true about the Death Chair-boards
here also
They said no to Dads Heart operation
Lucky for him a Doctor at his Gun Club
found out got him into Saint Palls
But that's how communism works
Knowing someone on the inside of the Iron