Scp-523/Doma; Keter; JUST RUN AND HIDE; Doma is a tall young man with a toned and muscular body, who is of a notably pale complexion and possessed unusually long, pointed nails that appeared to be stained with a pale blue color. His hair could appear either silver or a pale golden blond, and he wore it parted to his left, the shorter parts around his face seeming to flare out to either side around his head, curving backwards with one strand left down his face to fall between his eyes, while the longer parts were left to drape centrally down his back in a thinning spiral. His eyes have been described to be incredibly rare and beautiful,[12] as, in color, they appeared to be made up of an array of rainbow pastel tones that fade into one another as they circle his irises, this unusual appearance even causing people to believe Doma is a blessed being who could communicate with the gods.