What we are trying to say is......This is why the hornets and yellow jackets don't get along.......the yellow jackets which was a true bee fell from grace in heaven because they spit in the face of the hornets in in heaven to become men in the eyes of God, but it also is an honor to serve the bee comunity as a training ground for bees, because they both work together in a way....how...by keeping the soil fertile for other bees and larva.....see? It's mutual respect.....You spit in my face and I spit in yours.....mutal respect...it is how milk and honey is made for kids and bees to survive.....It's kind of like food for thought and soul.....but they know that the yellow jackets were here first and defending their ground for all time.....odd. Mutual respect.....and it's kind of been working, but we all need to forgive and forget.