Stop watching Ancient Aliens
I seen this SMOCKING Handsome
Twisted of the worst kind
hero telling stories
How's that mosque Shooting
in New Zealand doing buddy
you hidding in Ukraine
lil buddy hmm your
or that Slob of a pedo
you call Broski ?
Anthony Weiner Blues
I don't SEE Justice yet Q
not one big Fish
yet I provide
You a Switch hitter ???
I did see last night my Wedding
Candle Lard Sulpture from culinary School
brief moment in the Darkness
changed back quick to
Pedophile below
the Birds in Nelson
Cherpas help the Blue birds
You guys might have a tuff time trying to sell
this now with all the truth i'm expressing
Might put a bad light on your bullshit image
Me I don't care
I don't want into your club anyways
I'm here for the Mocking
Jordan has his form of Protest
I have mine
moment in the light
I think everyone needs a little
wake up