If they were genuinely concerned about their carbon footprint then they would take advantage of teleconferencing rather than flying all over the world for their meetings.
This is because there is a rich power elite who is working feverishly to control the world and climate change is their tool. It is their crisis that they are not letting go to waste.
If anyone on the left ever decided to use that grey matter bouncing around in their craniums then they might realize that warmer temps and increased CO2 is actually a good thing. It means longer growing seasons and more CO2 for plant life. It would lead to much more vegetation or in other words it is greening the planet. And considering the big scare is over a minuscule temperature increase it is absurd how many people are losing their minds over climate change.
The earth is always going to be going through warming and cooling trends. It is pretty arrogant to think that A) man caused it and B) man can stop it. The Sun is and always will be the biggest factor in determining the earth temperature.
Especially when capitalism is blamed for all of it. Ending capitalism is no more going to save the planet than using voodoo to save the planet.