So basically, "yes unless you aren't straight, you don't hate LGBTQ+ people, you don't hate furries, and you get annoyed by all the drama that happens daily"
Hello, wecome back to MSMG Theory, today we're going to be seeing if MSMG is a good stream or not. The obvious first impression is 'Yes', however, this is from the perspective of an outsider, from the inside, MSMG is a complicated society of many different cultures, essentially being the capital city of Imgflip as a whole. While you may find a few funny memes here and there, you're quarantee to find toxic users, drama and whatnot. A perfect example would be the Summer offensive from Denmark, which lasted a day or two before being called off. Despite all these wars, MSMG holds itself together fairly well thanks to it's massive usercount. This also doubles as a massive work/attackforce. MSMG is also knows for their massive disliking of the furry fandom, which is apparent in several users, I would quote one user, but that would be a bit biased from my side. Apart from this, MSMG is not the best place to exist as a supporter of LGBT or a supporter of Trans Rights, this will surely land you a nasty place in the community, with only the mods there to 'protect' you. About the mods, they are commonly extremely corrupt, this doesn't carry to the owners, who are fairly responsible leaders. MSMG has been observed to carry out several 'crusades' and 'attacks' at any opposition. So in conclusion, MSMG is hell and we know it, but hey, that's just a theory, an MSMG Theory.