yes, my balls fart.
at exactly 12:30AM, my balls start to vibrate, i'm still sleeping at that time. 2 minutes later my balls start to vibrate more, releasing a small "pbbt" sound. I wake up to my balls legit bouncing up and down slowly as the sound starts to be more louder. I thought peeing may stop it so I rushed to the restroom, I pulled my pants down and my shadow demon was caught lacking, so I punched him and started to piss on him. My balls didn't stop vibrating after I pissed. I went back to bed but my balls keep on vibrating. My balls start to make a louder fard noise and i held my balls. My balls then started to make my hand vibrate, next thing i knew, my balls fart so loud It woke up the entire neighborhood, heck, the entire town. it slowed down and I sighed as my balls calmed down from vibrating.