Sharing is a form of caring......communication is's also wierd but an act of courage, compassion, and love.....hence the with thy neighbor, love thy neighbor, and learn from thy's a life cycle we must all learn to live with. You can not change your past, but your actions also affect the present and future of people and things. We can not stop forward progress. Hence the laws of physics....for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Did we blow apart the universe during genesis? Probably.....can we put it back day at a time! How? Thru teamwork.....even the worm or octopus knows that. But were are the bee and worm larva? All around us. Remember that.......just understand that. Trying to work together as a team. It's odd, but we have to remember that. Don't shoot the messengers. A malting bee and a worm know that they can pop and explode when you cook them too. Remember that folks......