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-Smiling forever- A hand-drawn creepypasta.

-Smiling forever- A hand-drawn creepypasta. | image tagged in smile,forever,ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
372 views 19 upvotes Made by Sketchy_113 3 years ago in Drawings
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This wouldnt all happen if i never switched back to the old times. But i did. And what happend then was horrible. Now, trapped in a white void, ill tell you about HIM.
I couldnt be happier when i finaly repaired my laptop all by myself.
All my important stuff was on it, including my favorite hobby: drawing on a screen.
And i mean not just jamming a pencil trough the screen, just using a program. In this situation, it was Sketchpad, an chrome extension which i already had since i was 13. Since then, i was known by friends and family as an great artist. And i dreamed many times about gaining money and status with this. But that was taken away soon, because i made an mistake only an idiot could make.
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It all happend on an evening in the Early fall, some trees were still green, and the temprature was still decent. I just came back home from my job at the near school as assistant, and i thought it was time to flip the laptop open and get to draw again, maybe change some older ones. And so i did, finishing an masterpiece i spent 2 months on, an wide ocean with sealife. But then i had the idea to scroll down all the way, to the very beginning of my hobby, the roots. As i found the file from 2018, i opend it, and was greeted by an pearl of myself, an small hand-drawn figure greeted with an happy smile, waering clothes, stick-like legs, 3 spikes who look to me hair, it was still all there. I was almost blown away with nostalgia, and i already had ideas to get him back in the time of now, after some edits, of course. And i already moved my mouse to the pencil tool, until i spotted his first message, the start of all of this.
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´Hello, Nicole.´ Woah. I was pretty much confused how that text got there while i could swear i didnt place it myself. Anyways, i shook it off and thought the file was a bit corrupted. so i deleted the text.
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Almost 5 seconds passed, when an new text appeared: ´Did you forget me?´ Okay, this was getting scary, i did not do anything, and my hand were off the keyboard as it happend. The text continued:´ You finally came back, it took so long =)´ Who was i talking to, an hacker? Or was it really the file itself? Hm. A file, maybe i could just delete it. And so i ded, a bit creeped out, but thats fine.
I thought this was enough for today and went to sleep.
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The next evening i returned from a friends home, and started to draw again after dinner. But whilst doing this, my laptop said that there was this file called : ´smile.png´ I opend it and was greeted again with the figure,only now it looked diffrent, it looked like its arms grew a bit and its fingers sharker, and to top it off, he had an bigger smile. An text next to it said: ´why did you dlete me? it hurted so much.´
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´Hurt´? So that meant it wasnt a hacker, but the figure ITSELF, wich was terrifying. I said what he meant, in hope that he could hear me, and he replied: ´Dont you know how it is to be deleted Nicole? Let me tell you, it feels like burning alive slowly, like most of the many things you did to me when i was younger.´ ´Many things´, what did he even mean? I asked him what that was supposed to be, and again, he replied, more fierce this time. ´WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW?! SLAMMING ME INTO THINGS, LET ME FALL FROM HEIGHTS, DIP ME IN ACID, DROWNING ME, BURNING ME, EVEN ELECTROCUTING ME! AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW THAT YOU ALSO DELETED THEM?!´
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I was schocked how an little figure like thats had such feelings, and grew tired of him. I said if he didnt get off my screen now id delete him again. That was a big mistake.
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An change started to settle in at the drawing. His eyes narrowd into lines, wich turned red for a bit, his arms grew until it stopped at the lower legs, and then his smile, his horrible, horrible smile. It grew to the edges of its head. Then, an reply:´But thats not even the worst. Here, you let me stand still, for entire years. i couldnt move, only stare in a white void and smile. just keeping on with smiling, never stopping, never ending.´ I tried to say something back, but i couldnt, my face felt frozen somehow, and i couldnt do anything. Another text:´ Now, that i can finaly do what i want, its time to let you feel what i felt, lost, with insanity kicking in, and disoriented, but that is about to change nicole =)´'I felt in horror as my face slowly turned into a smile, and i couldnt do anything about it, it just stayed there. Then, an final message of my once beloved and forgotten figure:´This is what YOU deserve Nicole, not me, now youll feel like the way i did. have F U N =) ´ Then, my laptop exploded, and i passed out. And then i woke up here, a white void, where i couldnt move anything, and my face stuck in a smile. And there was nothing left for me from that point, only when i spent my first mintes there i saw him on the other side of the screen, with my lifeless body next to him, still smiling, wich turned normal, and then he said, softly: goodbye, Nicole. And the slammed into the screen with his fist, and now here i remain, Slowly getting insane. He was right, i should not have done anything like this to him.
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uh thats the story start
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THAT'S IT I'M [calling] 911
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WHY [[tho]]
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H i , N i c o l e ,
d i d y o u m i s s m e ?
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i f t h e y a r e h u r t i n g y o u, y e s.
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O k ! ! I ‘ l l d o i t ! ! * Mix.exe continues to shred his creator *
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d e a r g o d.
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Y e s ! ! P e r f e c t ! ! * Mix.exe is currently murdering people with a shredder *
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i m j u s t g o i n g t o b a c k u p.....
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W a n n a h a v e a t r y , s k e t c h y ?
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i m n o t s k e t c h y i m s m i l e . p n g, b u t y e s, i d l o v e a t r y. = )
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A h , y o u k i n d a l o o k l i k e s k e t c h y , b u t a l r i g h t y , * Mix.exe made room for Smile.png * h a v e a t r y ! = 3
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* manical laughter intensifies with screams on the background* h m m y e s, a n f a v o r i t e h o b b y.
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O u r s ! = D
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y e e e e e s. =)
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Y E S S ! ! = >
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(Currently drawing a picture of Mix.exe)
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perfect imitation lol
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B u t d i d y o u m i s s m e ?
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w h y a r e y o u i m p e r s o n a t i n g m e ?
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D u n n o , I j u s t w a n t e d t o . A n y w a y s , d i d y o u m i s s m e ?
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I t h a s b e e n a w h i l e, s o r t a d i d . b u t i m j u t s m i l e . p n g s o w h y w o u l d y o u a s k ?
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J u s t w a s w o n d e r i n g , w h y d i d y o u t r a p y o u r C R E A T O R i n t o t h e d r a w i n g w o r l d ? i s a w t h e m i n t h e r e e a r l i e r t o d a y .
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Y e s. y e s i d i d. s h e d i d a n n o y i n g s t u f f t o m e , s o i d e c i d e d to r e t u r n t h e f a v o r. =)
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F a v o r ? W h a t d o y o u m e a n b y f a v o r ?
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W e l l, a s i n h u r t i n g m e s o o f t e n , w h y n o t ? = D
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N i c e i d e a , s h o u l d i d o i t t o m y C R E A T O R ?
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This is amazing and creepy at the same time ngl 👍
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Thx :)
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No problem sketchy
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Question : Could you make Mix.exe’s story?
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hm, do you have some ideas for it maybe then?
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Hmm… :think:
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any ideas?
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Maybe a virus appears on the victim’s computer, and the virus IS Mix.exe?
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how about i make an hooded man that turns out to be walking void, like mix
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I’ll call it the empty man
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also make sure to add the shredder too-
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lol alr-
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I’m thinking how the story goes
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youll like it trust me :)
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anyways here’s a pic. :T
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i will.
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it’s been a day where is it
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*villager sounds*
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