Trump didn't cause the lock downs. That was the dictatorial power of the leftist governors and mayors.
However, inflation had little effect on today's inflation. Yes, it did cut the supply of goods and services a little.
What caused the run away inflation we are seeing right now was caused by Biden and the Federal Reserve printing money at rates never seen before.
It is because of Modern Monetary Theory. This theory has especially found a home with the left and a handful of Republicans as well. It is the idiot notion that if the government needs to do anything, like spend money fighting climate change, they can just print it. So you have international organizations like the UN, the IMF and the WEF pushing the world's governments to green new deal type policies and to print trillions of dollars to fund those policies. This is the Great Reset.
In Biden's first year alone he printed almost 100 trillion dollars. Trump wasn't very good on economic issues but at least he wasn't suicidal like Biden is.
I wish Trump would have closed a dictatorial door the Obama opened. That door was to create law through executive order. If Trump was a dictator then he was just the 2nd dictator in a series that started with Obama and continues today with Biden.
Neither the judicial or executive branches have the authority to legislate under the Constitution. But Democrats have an inborn need to be controlled so they have used all branches of the government to force laws on us without the consent of the governed.