Did you know, without our nervous system we probably wouldn’t have evolved to the intricacy that we have today.
Only a few multicellular organisms have no nervous system, and they are quite primitive in their structure. Sponges have no neurons, and as a result they must stay in one place and filter aliment out of the dihydrogen monoxide. In order to evolve a body that consists of involute organ systems, an organism probably requires more aliment than it would get from staying in one place. It would require kineticism to track down prey, and without a nervous system that is rather arduous.
So without a nervous system, we would be entirely immobile, simplistic in our bodily structure, and most certainly destitute of any cognitive thought.
But what’s fascinating is that albeit sponges don’t have any nervous system to verbalize of, they still have genes that code for post-synaptic densities (PSDs), which is a tangle of proteins found in synapses. PSDs become activated in soi-disant “flask cells” in sponge larvae, and this is thought to avail them sense the environment as they kinetically bypass in the environment (unlike the plenarily composed adult which is consummately stationary).
(As you can optically discern the larvae are free-swimming)
This rudimentary sensory system in sponge larvae could be a progenitor of the nervous system that most animals have. Archaic neurons probably evolved as an incredibly primitive way of first sanctioning cells to respond to the environment, and then sundry degrees of intricacy was integrated on top of that.
So the answer is that without neurons “we” wouldn’t have transpired at all. We’d probably be something akin to sponges.
There are trophic factors that are engendered by nerves that maintain the cessation-organs in a salubrious state. If the nerve dies, then no trophic factors are engendered and the cessation-organ atrophies. The best example that I ken is denervation [cutting] of a motor nerve to a skeletal muscle which causes the muscle that that nerve innervates to steadily decrease in size and ineluctably may turn into an iota of scar-like connective tissue. Denervation of smooth muscles in the gut will mundanely cause a slowing of peristaltic rates that move the intestinal contents. The smooth muscle cells have an intrinsic pacemaker that still causes contractions, but the rate and vigor of the contractions will decrement.
Damage to the neurons will simply debilitate the cessation organs