The First 23 Hours:
Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.
Listen to the clock.
Wait. This is hour one. If you wish to abort the ritual, you may do so now. (See: To Abort The Ritual.)
Wait. This is hour two. If you wish to abort the ritual, you may do so now. (See: To Abort The Ritual.)
Wait. This is hour three. If you wish to abort the ritual, you may do so now. (See: To Abort The Ritual.)
NOTE: This is your FINAL CHANCE to abort the ritual.
Wait. This is hour four. At the top of the hour, the door to your windowless room will lock. Yes, even if the door didn’t have a lock in the first place. Do not attempt to unlock it. You wouldn’t be able to unlock it even if you tried.
There is no turning back now.
Wait. This is hour five. You may begin to feel anxious, sweaty, or as if you are being watched. Remain calm.
Wait. This is hour six. You may begin to hear noises coming from elsewhere within the building at intervals of 10 minutes. Resist the urge to check the lock on the door.
Wait. This is hour seven. You may fall asleep. Enjoy your dreams; they will be the most pleasant you will ever have.
Wait. This is hour eight. If you fell asleep during hour seven, you will awaken. Enjoy the residual feelings of joy remaining from your dreams.
Wait. This is hour nine. You may suddenly find yourself full of restless energy. Do not allow yourself to do anything rash.
Wait. This is hour 10. You may begin to hear screaming coming from elsewhere within the building at intervals of six minutes. Do not cover your ears.
Wait. This is hour 11. The candle may go out. Sit quietly in the darkness with your thoughts.
Wait. This is hour 12. The candle may relight itself. Sit quietly in the light with your thoughts.
Wait. This is hour 13. You may fall asleep again. Endure your dreams; they will be the worst you will ever have.
Wait. This is hour 14. If you fell asleep during hour 13, you will awaken. Suffer through the residual feelings of despair remaining from your dreams.
Wait. This is hour 15. You may hear the voice of a stranger speak to you from out of the darkness. If you do, you may ask your companion any and all questions you may have about your life — past, present, and future — and they will answer. Make note of their responses, even if you do not understand them.
Wait. This is hour 16. You may hear the voice of one or both of your parents or parent figures speak to you from out of the darkness. If you do, you must answer any and all questions they may have for you