Things that pissed you off in Genshin Impact; Any good things happened to you :-); Nothing happened, everything goes normally; A hilichurl, treasure hoarder, fatui, or anything else engaged you suddenly; Running out of stamina while running; Running out of stamina while climbing; Running out of stamina while gliding; Running out of stamina while swimming; Your character got knocked down; Your character got knocked down and died; Cannot use healing foods to your characters with low HP because of maximum fullness reached; Serenitea Pot still under maintenance for over 1 month; Get a trashy artifact with bad main stat OR sub stat; Get a trashy artifact with bad main stat AND sub stat; Spent over 1000 resins to get the best artifacts and it was in vain; Fail to get a 4-star character you wanted after a lot of pulls; Get a 5-star character you didn't want (In case of win 50/50); Get a 5-star character you didn't want (In case of lose 50/50, especially Qiqi); Lost 10K Primogems for a trashy items; Tried to level up an artifact but then upgraded a bad substat instead of a good substat (Usually HP, Flat DEF, and Flat ATK instead of CRT Rate, CRT DMG, Elemental Mastery, and/or Energy Recharge ); Account hacked; Account banned temporarily; Account banned permanently