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Already started preparing copypasta | JULY 4TH COPYPASTA ARCHIVE; BY SPACEFANATIC | image tagged in american flag | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
354 views 2 upvotes Made by SpaceFanatic 2 years ago in MS_memer_group
American flag memeCaption this Meme
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World War 1 Copypastas
0 ups, 2y
Johnnie, get your gun
Get your gun, get your gun
Take it on the run
On the run, on the run
Hear them calling, you and me
Every son of liberty
Hurry right away
No delay, go today
Make your daddy glad
To have had such a lad
Tell your sweetheart not to pine
To be proud her boy's in line
Over there, over there
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming
The Yanks are coming
The drums rum tumming everywhere
So prepare, say a prayer
Send the word, send the word to beware
We'll be over, we're coming over
And we won't come back till it's over, over there
Johnnie, get your gun
Get your gun, get your gun
Johnnie show the Hun
Who's a son of a gun
Hoist the flag and let her fly
Yankee Doodle do or die
Pack your little kit
Show your grit, do your bit
Yankee to the ranks
From the towns and the tanks
Make your mother proud of you
And the old red, white and blue
Over there, over there
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming
The Yanks are coming
The drums rum tumming everywhere
So prepare, say a prayer
Send the word, send the word to beware
We'll be over, we're coming over
And we won't come back till it's over, over there.
0 ups, 2y
I have called the Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of policy to be made, and made immediately, which it was neither right nor constitutionally permissible that I should assume the responsibility of making.

On the third of February last I officially laid before you the extraordinary announcement of the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of February it was its purpose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to approach either the ports of Great Britain and Ireland or the western coasts of Europe or any of the ports controlled by the enemies of Germany within the Mediterranean. That had seemed to be the object of the German submarine warfare earlier in the war, but since April of last year the Imperial Government had somewhat restrained the commanders of its undersea craft in conformity with its promise then given to us that passenger boats should not be sunk and that due warning would be given to all other vessels which its submarines might seek to destroy when no resistance was offered or escape attempted, and care taken that their crews were given at least a fair chance to save their lives in their open boats. The precautions taken were meager and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain degree of restraint was observed. The new policy has swept every restriction aside. Vessels of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, their destination, their errand, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom: without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neutrals along with those of belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships carrying relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, though the latter were provided with safe conduct through the proscribed areas by the German Government itself and were distinguished by unmistakable marks of identity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of compassion or of principle. I was for a little while unable to believe that such things would in fact be done by any government that had hitherto subscribed to the humane practices of civilized nations. International law had its origin in the attempt to set up some law which would be respected and observed upon the seas, where no nation had right of dominion
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Cold War Copypastas
0 ups, 2y
We're livin' in a country that's the finest place on earth
But some folks don't appreciate this land that gave them birth
I hear that up in Washington they're having an awful fuss
'Cause Communists and spies are making monkeys out of us

[verse 2]
The bureaus and departments have been busy night and day
They're figuring out just how we gave our secrets all away
And congress has appointed a committee, so they said
To find out who's American and who's a low-down Red

[verse 3]
They call them up to Washington to speak for Uncle Sam
But when they ask them what they arе they shut up like a clam
I wish they'd takе and put me on the witness stand today
I'd shout so loud old Stalin can hear me all the way

I'm no Communist I'll tell you that right now
I believe a man should own his own house, and car, and cow
I like this private ownership; I want to be left alone
Let the government run its business, and let me run my own

[verse 4]
Our government is bigger than it ever was today
The more they hire to work for it, the more they have to pay
Our public servants should be proud and honest you would think
Instead of taking bribes and dressing up their wives in mink

[verse 5]
The taxes keep on going up of that there is no doubt
But still they just can't take it in as fast as they dish it out
Our national debt is monster size and growin' every day
Our children's children, still unborn, are gonna have to pay

[verse 6]
Our dollar used to be the soundest money on this Earth
But now two bucks won't even buy one good dollar's worth
Unless we stop inflation and take care of what we've got
The Communists may win the fight and never fire a shot

Oh, I'm no Communist, I'll tell you that right now
I believe a man should own his own house, and car, and cow
I like this private ownership; I want to be left alone
Let the government run its business and let me run my own!
0 ups, 2y
Old Joe kicked the bucket, he's long gone
He won't worry us from now on
He lived in a place they call Moscow
His number came up and he had to go

Yes, old Joe's dead and gone
He stayed around too long
And nobody now can save his hide
'Cause old Joe laid right down and died

Old Joe won't worry us no more
He killed the helpless by the score
Now I hope he's satisfied
Since old Joe's taken his last ride

Yes, old Joe's dead and gone
He stayed around too long
And nobody now can save his hide
'Cause old Joe laid right down and died

While near the end, he couldn't talk
He's paralyzed and he couldn't walk
He died with a hemorrhage in the brain
They have a new fireman on the devil's train

Yes, old Joe's dead and gone
He stayed around too long
And nobody now can save his hide
'Cause old Joe laid right down and died

Although he was a man of power
He was scared of Eisenhower
So now the devil can retire
'Cause old Joe Stalin will keep the fire

Yes, old Joe's dead and gone
He stayed around too long
And nobody now can save his hide
'Cause old Joe laid right down and died
0 ups, 2y
You came down to this southern town last Summer
To show the folks a brand new way of life
But all you've shown the folks around here is trouble
And you've only added misery to their strife
Your concern is not to help the people
And I'll say again, though it's been often said
Your concern is just to bring discomfort, my friend
And your policy is just a little red
Now, ain't I right? (Ain't he right?)
(Ain't he right?)
It matters not to you how people suffer
And should they, you'd consider that a gain
You bring a lot of trouble to the town and then you leave
That's part of your Communistic game
I detect a little Communisim
I can see it in the things you do
Communisim, socialism, call it what you like
There's very little difference in the two
Now, ain't I right? (Ain't he right?)
(Ain't he right?)
Your followers sometimes have been a bearded, hatless bunch
There's even been a minister or two
A priest, a nun, a rabbi, and an educated man
Have listened and been taken in by you
Aw, the country's full of two-faced politicians
Who encourage you with words that go like this
"Burn your draft card if you like, it's good to disagree"
That's a get aquainted Communistic kiss
Now, ain't I right? (Ain't he right?)
(Ain't he right?)
One politician said it would be nice to send some blood
And help the enemy in Vietnam
That's what he says, here's what I say
"Let's just keep the blood
Instead let's send that politician man"
Let's rid the country of the politicians
Who call us tramps that march out in our streets
Protesting those who wanna fight for freedom, my friend
This kind of leader makes our country weak
Now, ain't I right? (Ain't he right?)
(Ain't he right?)
Let's look and find the strong and able leaders
It's time we found just how our neighbours stand
If we're to win this war with Communism
Let's fight it here as well as Vietnam
Let's rise as one and meet our obligations
So Communistic boots will never trod
Across the fields of freedom that were given to us
With the blessing of our great almighty God
Across the fields of freedom that were given to us
With the blessing of our great almighty God
0 ups, 2y
The Cold War, often dated from 1947 to 1991, was the sustained state of political and military tension between the powers in the Western Bloc, dominated by the United States with NATO and other allies; versus the powers in the Eastern Bloc; dominated by the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact and its allies. This began after the success of their temporary wartime alliance against Germany, leaving the US and the USSR as two superpowers with profound economic and political differences. A neutral faction arose with the Non-Aligned movement founded by Egypt, India, and Yugoslavia, this faction rejected association with either the US-led West or the USSR-led East. The Cold War was so named because the major powers--each possessing nuclear weapons and thereby threatened with Mutual assured destruction--did not meet in direct military combat. However, in their struggle for global influence they engaged in ongoing Psychological warfare and in regular indirect confrontations through Proxy wars. Cycles of relative calm would be folowed by high tension which could have led to war. The tensest times were during the Berlin Blockade (1948-1949), the Korean War (1950-1953), the Suez Crisis (1956), the Berlin Crisis (1961), the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), the Vietnam War (1959-1975), the Yom Kippur War (1973), the Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979-1989), the Soviet shootdown of KAL Flight 007 (1983), and the "Able Archer" NATO military exercises (1983). The conflict was expressed through military coalitions, strategic conventional force deployments, extensive aid to client states, espionage, massive propaganda campaign, conventional and nuclear arms races, appeals to neutral nations, rivalry at sports events, technological competitions such as the Space Race. The US and the USSR became involved in political and military conflicts in the Third World countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. To alleviate the risk of potential nuclear war, both sides sought relief of political tensions through detente in the 1970s.

In the 1980s, the United States increased diplomatic, military, and economic pressures on the Soviet Union, at a time when the communist state was already suffering from economic stagnation. In the mid-1980s, the new Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev introduced liberalizing reforms of Perestroika ("reconstruction", reorganization") and Glasnost ("openness") This opened the country and its satellite states to a mostly peaceful wave of rev
0 ups, 2y
And it's 4 a.m. and we will stalk again
The princess and her bitter queen
On the 4th day of July
Deep in summer's eye
Naked like the truth should always be
So speak your knives (don't follow with your foot)
All this pain here (all comes from your dry lung)
I won't listen (your rhetoric is fleeting)
My lies are fixed with glue
Coming straight from off the water
Sunburned face and drunken father
Crying as she's carving in her flesh
And it's 4 a.m. and we will stalk again
The princess and her bitter queen
On the 4th day of July
Deep in summer's eye
Naked like the truth should always be
This false art (of palm trees and trash heaps)
This burning bed (where my ghost will now sleep)
Watching romance from a far seat
Bleeding from the glass on my feet
Learning that I love the smell of flesh
And it's 4 a.m. and we will stalk again
The princess and her bitter queen
On the 4th day of July
Deep in summer's eye
Naked like the truth should always be
An angel on his two knees
Arms stretched towards the red sea
Of violence and a sultry tongue
The scenic view of carnage
'Caused by the sword in his hands
The beauty resonates in birth
And it's plain to see the wind beneath the trees
Oh, flowing free, the summer breeze is sweet
I lay in space choked by my own air
I love the taste of your blackened lips
And it's 4 a.m. and we will stalk again
The princess and her bitter queen
On the 4th day of July
Deep in summer's eye
Naked like the truth should always be
0 ups, 2y,
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Revolutionary War Copypastas
0 ups, 2y
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of peop
0 ups, 2y
Let tyrants shake their iron rod,
And Slav’ry clank her galling chains,
We fear them not, we trust in God,
New England’s God forever reigns.
Howe and Burgoyne and Clinton too,
With Prescot and Cornwallis join’d,
Together plot our Overthrow,
In one Infernal league combin’d.
When God inspir’d us for the fight,
Their ranks were broke, their lines were forc’d,
Their ships were Shatter’d in our sight,
Or swiftly driven from our Coast.
The Foe comes on with haughty Stride;
Our troops advance with martial noise,
Their Vet’rans flee before our Youth,
And Gen’rals yield to beardless Boys.
What grateful Off’ring shall we bring?
What shall we render to the Lord?
Loud Halleluiahs let us Sing,
And praise his name on ev’ry Chord.
0 ups, 2y
Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony,
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni'.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy,
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy.

Fath'r and I went down to camp,
Along with Captain Gooding,
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.

And there we saw a thousand men
As rich as Squire David,
And what they wasted every day,
I wish it could be saved.

The 'lasses they eat it every day,
Would keep a house a winter;
They have so much, that I'll be bound,
They eat it when they've mind ter.

And there I see a swamping gun
Large as a log of maple,
Upon a deuced little cart,
A load for father's cattle.

And every time they shoot it off,
It takes a horn of powder,
and makes a noise like father's gun,
Only a nation louder.

I went as nigh to one myself
As 'Siah's inderpinning;
And father went as nigh again,
I thought the deuce was in him.

Cousin Simon grew so bold,
I thought he would have cocked it;
It scared me so I shrinked it off
And hung by father's pocket.

And Cap'n Davis had a gun,
He kind of clapt his hand on't
And stuck a crooked stabbing iron
Upon the little end on't

And there I see a pumpkin shell
As big as mother's bason,
And every time they touched it off
They scampered like the nation.

I see a little barrel too,
The heads were made of leather;
They knocked on it with little clubs
And called the folks together.

And there was Cap'n Washington,
And gentle folks about him;
They say he's grown so 'tarnal proud
He will not ride without em'.

He got him on his meeting clothes,
Upon a slapping stallion;
He sat the world along in rows,
In hundreds and in millions.

The flaming ribbons in his hat,
They looked so tearing fine, ah,
I wanted dreadfully to get
To give to my Jemima.

I see another snarl of men
A digging graves they told me,
So 'tarnal long, so 'tarnal deep,
They 'tended they should hold me.

It scared me so, I hooked it off,
Nor stopped, as I remember,
Nor turned about till I got home,
Locked up in mother's chamber.
0 ups, 2y
Please, don't say ‘RNG’ it is very racist and offensive. Back in the American Revolutionary War the British would kill American soldiers. When their phones RANG they would joke about how since the Americans are all dead that the A wasn't there anymore so they would say that it “RNG”. Again, please don't say "RNG".
0 ups, 2y
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.
0 ups, 2y,
4 replies
Generic Copypastas
0 ups, 2y
O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation.
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
0 ups, 2y
Let martial note in triumph float,
And liberty extend its mighty hand
A flag appears, 'mid thund'rous cheers,
The banner of the western land.
The emblem of the brave and true,
Its folds protect no tyrant crew,
The red and white and starry blue,
Is freedom's shield and hope.
Other nations may deem their flags the best
And cheer them with fervid elation,
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.

Let eagle shriek from lofty peak,
The neverending watchword of our land.
Let summer breeze waft through the trees
The echo of the chorus grand.
Sing out for liberty and light,
Sing out for freedom and the right,
Sing out for Union and its might,
Oh, patriotic sons!
Other nations may deem their flags the best
And cheer them with fervid elation,
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.

Hurrah for the flag of the free,
May it wave as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor,
Proclaim'd as they march'd to the fray,
That by their might, and by their right,
It waves forever!
0 ups, 2y
Then everything belong to America. People often ask me what it means to be an American. I tell 'em it's triumph. Triumph. Triumph when we nuke our enemies. Triumph when our flag flutters in the wind on the moon. Triumph when we peer down from the moon and laugh heartily at Russia. Triumph when we depose one dictator after another. Triumph when we break into the homes of terrorist kingpins on the other side of Earth and shoot them in the face. Triumph when we use flying robots to bomb other terrorists in Afghanistan. Triumph when we were the main reason the Nazis were defeated in WWII. Triumph when we freed Europe twice. Triumph. Triumph. Triumph. But it's not just the the big things, see? It's the way I can set up lawn chairs at my friends house on the Texas Rio Grande and share a toast to freedom while watching Mexicans charge into gunfire to enter my country. It's the way an Italian cabbie sits up straight and floors the gas when he hears my accent. It's seeing the wide eyes and bead of sweat running down the forehead of a German customs agent when he opens my passport. It's the way a French waiter hangs his head when I refuse the wine and ask for Coke instead, in English knowing full well he understands me (and that they have it). The way an Aussie blushes and leans into the urinal next to me in the bathroom, or the scowl that meets my smirk when I tip an English waiter in US dollars covered with Washington's face. The way small mobs of Canadian school children follow me from a distance to see what a free man looks like, or how heads timidly rise and women gather when my accent stops the music in the clubs of Amsterdam. Triumph. Every bit of it, triumph. That's what it means to be an American.
0 ups, 2y
The moon landing is physically impossible to achieve given the supposed time constraints. Apparently Apollo 11 took 8 days and 3 hours to get to the moon. That’s 195 hours. The moon is 238,900 miles away from earth. So imagine the speed they needed to achieve to get to the moon in the first place. When I drive to San Diego from Las Vegas, it takes me about 5 hours. In those 5 hours I travel a total of 332 miles. That averages out to about 66.4 mph. But if I were to take a standard car and try to travel to the moon myself (a distance of 238,900 miles) it would take an incredible amount of time to get to the moon. Assuming I travel at 66.4 miles per hour to the moon from a car, it would take 3600 hours. 150 days. We didn’t have the fuel technology for a car to last that long in space. For us to reach the moon in a supposed “8 days and 3 hours” we’d have to travel 1225 mph. The fastest we’ve ever been able to reach in a car is in the 2005 Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 which only had a top speed of 253.81 mph. When you factor in air resistance it would take even longer to get there. Plus no car is capable of retaining oxygen for that long. When the astronauts would’ve got out of the spaceship, they’d die. Humans need oxygen to breathe. Plus I don’t even know how you would be able to get more fuel out there since they don’t have gas stations on the moon. An obvious fuel deficiency, inaccurate length of travel time, and the biological facts of humans makes the moon landing clearly impossible.
0 ups, 2y,
5 replies
Civil War Copypastas
0 ups, 2y
Bring the good old bugle, boys, we'll sing another song
Sing it with a spirit that will start the world along
Sing it as we used to sing it, 50, 000 strong
While we were marchin' through Georgia
Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee
Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marchin' through Georgia
How the people shouted when they heard the joyful sound?
How the turkeys gobbled which our commissary found?
How the sweet potatoes even started from the ground?
While we were marchin' through Georgia
Yes and there were Union men who wept with joyful tears
When they saw the honored flag they had not seen for years
Hardly could they be restrained from breaking forth in cheers
While we were marchin' through Georgia
Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee
Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marchin' through Georgia
Sherman's dashin' Yankee boys will never reach the coast!
So the saucy rebels said and 'twas a handsome boast
Had they not forgot, alas! To reckon with the Host
While we were marchin' through Georgia
So we made a thorough fare for freedom and her train
60 miles in latitude, 300 to the main
Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain
While we were marchin' through Georgia
Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee
Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marchin' through Georgia
Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee
Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marchin' through Georgia
While we were marchin' through Georgia
While we were marchin' through Georgia
0 ups, 2y
Away down South in the land of traitors
Rattlesnakes and alligators
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
Where cotton's king and men are chattles
Union boys will win the battles
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
I wish I was in Baltimore
I'd make secession traitors roar
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
We'll put the traitors all to route
I'll bet my boots we'll whip 'em out
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie!
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
Oh, may our Stars and Stripes still wave
Forever o'er the fee and brave!
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
And let our motto ever be
Forever Union and for liberty
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Ride away (ride away)
Come away
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
0 ups, 2y
Yes, we'll rally round the flag, boys, we'll rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom,
We will rally from the hillside, we'll gather from the plain,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitors, up with the stars;
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
And we'll fill their vacant ranks with a million free men more,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitors, up with the stars;
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true and brave,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
And although they may be poor, not a man shall be a slave,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitors, up with the stars;
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

So we're springing to the call from the East and from the West,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
And we'll hurl the rebel crew from the land we love best,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitors, up with the stars;
While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
0 ups, 2y
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free;
While God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While God is marching on.
0 ups, 2y
Where, where, where, where
Where are you bound, young man?
I'm off to the war with good men and true
And hadn't you better come along too?
I speak my mind quite freely
Now, really

Why, why, why, why
Why to the war, young man?
Did a man ever fight for a holier cause
Than freedom and flag and equal love
Just speak your mind quite freely
Now really

Which, which, which, and which
And which is the flag of the free?
Oh, Washington's flag with the stripes and the stars
Will you give such name to the thing with the bars?
I speak my mind quite freely
Now, really

Who, who, who, and who
And who goes with you to the war?
Ten thousand brave lads and if they should stay here
The girls would cry shame and they'd volunteer
They speak their minds quite freely
Now, really

When, when, when, and when
And when do you mean to come back?
When rebellion is crushed and the Union restored
And freedom is safe, then, please the Lord
I speak my mind quite freely
Now, really

What, what, what, and what
And what will you gain by that?
Oh I've gained enough, whatever the cost
That freedom, the hope of the world, isn't lost
I speak my mind quite freely
Now, really.
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