1. The universe will never end.
2.Tickling is still sometimes used as torture.
3. Not everyone can die.
4. The Earth will never get destroyed by the Sun. Not in a million years. Not in a billion. Not even in 8 billion.
Mr. Incredible becoming uncanny disturbing facts 6; Mr. Incredible becoming uncanny is the most popular meme of 2022. The world life expectancy is 73 years on average. There's an 80% chance that someone is watching you right now. There's a 96% chance that someone is following you now, but you you don't notice right now. There's a 97% chance that someone has touched you in person during your sleep. If you live a full life, you'll have to shed over 50kg (112lb) of skin. You'll never see sunlight at 3am anywhere in the world. 12,000 teenagers commit suicide everyday. One day, the universe will end. You can suddenly die without warning at any given moment. More than 2,000 children go missing everyday. There are more vacant homes than homeless people in the USA. Tickling was once a torture method. There's a 70% chance that a stranger has touched you in person. There will be a last time you'll ever see someone. Birthdays mean that you're 1 year closer to death. You're more likely to die during your sleep than any other parts of the day. If you randomly wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, there's a 90% chance that a stranger is starring at you. You're more likely to die on your birthday than on any other day. Locked-in syndrome is when you're conscious but can only blink, breathe, and swallow. Earth will be destroyed by the Sun in about 8 billion years. Sometimes, rain can speak Morse code. Earwigs can fly.